1. Anisotropic Magnet
A magnet having a preferred direction of magnetic orientation so that the magnetic characteristics are optimum in that direction.
2. Coercive force, Hc
The demagnetizing force, measured in Oersted, necessary to reduce observed induction, B to zero after the magnet has previously been brought to saturation.
3. Curie temperature, Tc
The temperature at which the parallel alignment of elementary magnetic moments completely disappears and the materials are no longer able to hold magnetization.
4. Flux
The condition existing in a medium subjected to a magnetizing force. This quantity is characterized by the fact that an electromotive force is induced in a conductor surrounding the flux at any time the flux changes in magnitude. The unit of flux in the GCS system is Maxwell. One Maxwell equals one volt x seconds.
5. Gauss, Gs
A unit of magnetic flux density in the GCS system; the lines of magnetic flux per square inch. 1 Gauss equals 0.0001 Tesla in the SI system.
6. Hysteresis Loop
A closed curve obtained for a material by plotting corresponding values of magnetic induction, B (on the abscissa), against magnetizing force, H (on the ordinate).
7. Induction, B
The magnetic flux per unit area of a section normal to the direction of flux. The unit of induction is Gauss in the GCS system Intrinsic Coercive Force, Hci: An intrinsic ability of a material to resist demagnetization. Its value is measured in Oersted and corresponds to zero intrinsic induction in the material after saturation. Permanent magnets with high intrinsic coercive force are referred to as “Hard” permanent magnets, which are usually associated with high-temperature stability.
8. Intrinsic Coercive Force, Hci
An intrinsic ability of a material to resist demagnetization. Its value is measured in Oersted and corresponds to zero intrinsic induction in the material after saturation. Permanent magnets with high intrinsic coercive force are referred to as “Hard” permanent magnets, which usually associated with high-temperature stability.
9. Irreversible Loss
Defined as the partial demagnetization of a magnet caused by external fields or other factors. These losses are only recoverable by remagnetization. Magnets can be stabilized to prevent the variation of performance caused by irreversible losses.
10. Isotropic Magnets
A magnet material whose magnetic properties are the same in any direction, and which can, therefore, be magnetized in any direction without loss of magnetic characteristics.
11. Magnetic Flex
The total magnetic induction over a given area.
12. Magnetizing Force
The magnetomotive force per unit length at any point in a magnetic circuit. The unit of the magnetizing force is Oersted in the GCS system.
13. Maximum Energy Product, (BH)max
There is a point at the Hysteresis Loop at which the product of magnetizing force H and induction B reaches a maximum. The maximum value is called the Maximum Energy Product. At this point, the volume of magnet material required to project given energy into its surrounding is a minimum. This parameter is generally used to describe how “strong” this permanent magnet material is. Its unit is Gauss Oersted. One MGOe means 1,000,000 Gauss Oersted.
14. Oersted, Oe
A unit of magnetizing force in the GCS system. 1 Oersted equals 79.58 A/m in the SI system.
15. Permeability, Recoil
The Average slope of the minor hysteresis loop.
16. Rare Earths
A family of elements with an atomic number from 57 to 71 plus 21 and 39. They are lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, and yttrium.
17. Remanence, Bd
The magnetic induction remains in a magnetic circuit after the removal of an applied magnetizing force. If there is an air gap in the circuit, the remanence will be less than the residual induction, Br.
18. Reversible Temperature Coefficient
A measure of the reversible changes in flux caused by temperature variations.
19. Residual Induction, Br
A value of induction at the point at Hysteresis Loop, at which Hysteresis loop crosses the B axis at zero magnetizing force. The Br represents the maximum magnetic flux density output of this material without an external magnetic field.
20. Saturation
A condition under which induction of ferromagnetic material has reached its maximum value with the increase of applied magnetizing force. All elementary magnetic moments have become oriented in one direction at the saturation status.
21. Sintering
The bonding of powder compacts by the application of heat to enable one or more of several mechanisms of atom movement into the particle contact interfaces to occur; the mechanisms are viscous flow, liquid phase solution-precipitation, surface diffusion, bulk diffusion, and evaporation-condensation. Densification is a usual result of sintering.
22. Surface Coatings
Unlike Samarium Cobalt, Alnico, and ceramic materials, which are corrosion resistant, Neodymium Iron Boron magnets are susceptible to corrosion. Base upon of magnets’ applications, the following coatings, can be chosen to apply on surfaces of Neodymium Iron Boron magnets.
23. Stability
An ability to resist demagnetizing influences expected to be encountered in operation. These demagnetizing influences can be caused by high or low temperatures or by external magnetic fields.
24. Tesla
The S.I. unit for magnetic induction (flux density). One Tesla equals 10,000 Gauss.
25. Weight
The weight of a single magnet
About Magnets:
This glossary provides a basic overview of common magnet products and their applications. Each type of magnet and magnetic assembly offers unique properties suited to specific needs, from industrial manufacturing processes to everyday consumer products.
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