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Magnetic Assemblies

Stanford Magnets Official


Magnetic assemblies combine permanent magnets, such as NdFeB magnets, with various materials including metal, stainless steel, plastic, rubber, adhesive tape, wood, and hardboard. These assemblies can outperform standalone magnets in power and functionality, achieving specific effects that individual magnets alone cannot.

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Stanford Magnets is renowned for its expertise in transitioning from individual permanent magnets to intricate magnetic assemblies. We pride ourselves on designing, manufacturing, and supplying systems tailored to the unique needs and applications of our clients.

Key Applications of Magnetic Assemblies

Our magnetic assemblies find use in a wide array of applications. For more detailed information, you can explore the following links. With an extensive inventory of standard magnetic assemblies, we are prepared to meet immediate needs. Moreover, we specialize in creating custom assemblies to address the challenges of any new applications you might encounter. Our product range includes, but is not limited to, magnetic latches, electromagnets, pocket magnets, bullet magnets, magnetic filters, magnetic liquid traps, and tool racks, ensuring we can accommodate the requirements of your project.


How do Wind Turbine Magnets improve efficiency?
Wind Turbine Magnets are designed to maximize the efficiency of wind turbines by providing durable, custom magnetic solutions that enhance energy conversion from wind to electricity. Their high magnetic strength and resistance to demagnetization ensure long-lasting performance under challenging conditions.
What is a Halbach Array and how does it benefit magnetic efficiency?
A Halbach Array is a specialized arrangement of magnets that amplifies the magnetic field on one side of the array while canceling it out on the other side. This one-sided field amplification makes Halbach Arrays ideal for maximizing magnetic efficiency in applications like linear motors, magnetic levitation, and advanced imaging systems.
How do Voice Coil Motors work, and where are they used?
Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) provide precise linear actuation using a direct drive mechanism. They consist of a coil that moves within a magnetic field, allowing for highly accurate positioning. VCMs are commonly used in optical focusing systems, medical devices, and other applications requiring fine movement control.
What benefits do Custom Magnetic Assemblies offer?
Custom Magnetic Assemblies are tailored to meet the specific requirements of an application, enhancing performance, efficiency, and reliability. They allow for innovative solutions that can address unique challenges in various systems and devices.
How do Sandwich and Channel Magnet Assemblies differ and their uses?
Sandwich Assemblies are layered configurations of magnets and other materials that enhance magnetic strength and direct it for specific uses, such as in sensors or lifting devices. Channel Magnet Assemblies focus the magnetic field through optimized paths, enhancing field strength in a compact design, suitable for holding and clamping applications.
What considerations are important when selecting a magnetic assembly for a project?
When selecting a magnetic assembly, consider the application's specific requirements, including the magnetic strength needed, environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, exposure to chemicals), space constraints, and the required durability. Customization options may also be important for optimizing the assembly's performance for its intended use.
What customization options are available for Magnetic Assemblies?
Customization options for magnetic assemblies can include the choice of magnet material (Neodymium, Samarium Cobalt, Ferrite, etc.), the design and configuration of the magnetic circuit, protective coatings for environmental resistance, and integrated features such as mounting mechanisms or electrical connections, tailored to the specific application requirements.
How does the strength of a magnet within an assembly affect its application?
The strength of a magnet within an assembly directly impacts its effectiveness in its application. Higher magnetic strength can lead to more efficient energy conversion, stronger holding force in lifting applications, or more precise motion control. The selection of magnet strength must align with the application's requirements to ensure optimal performance.
What safety considerations are important when working with magnetic assemblies?
Safety considerations include the potential hazards of strong magnetic fields, which can affect electronic devices, interfere with pacemakers, and attract ferrous objects at high speeds. Proper handling, storage, and usage guidelines must be followed to prevent injuries and equipment damage. Additionally, specific applications may require safety features to mitigate the risks associated with sudden demagnetization or mechanical failures.

Protocols and articles

Magnetic Assembly Services BY Stanford Magnets
Everything You Need to Know About Magnet Assembly


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