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SMRC0066 Ceramic/Ferrite Ring Magnet

Product ID: SMRC0066

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SMRC0066 Ceramic/Ferrite Ring Magnet Description

The SMRC0066 Ceramic/Ferrite Ring Magnet is made from high-performance C8 Ferrite, without other protective coatings. The dimension of this item is 157mm O.D x 56mm I.D x 22mm thickness, magnetized through-thickness.

SMRC0066 Ceramic/Ferrite Ring Magnet Application

DC motors, Louder-speaks, Magnetic Separators, Automotive Sensors, Education, etc. Ammeter, speaker, audio, phone, TV, dynamo, Used in cars, etc

SMRC0066 Ceramic/Ferrite Ring Magnet Characteristics

* Low cost, high-energy, good electric insulation, and excellent resistance to demagnetization. * High coercive force, high electric resistance, long-time stability, and economical price.
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